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Gender Differences!

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I never hear from any of the male staff at their own will, well that’s not true…

This page offers insights into the way Staf members and several organisation’s are supporting practitioners to continue to have nurturing relationships with young people who are leaving care. Check out their blog posts for more information.

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it

Steve Jobs

Staf: Relationship Boundaries

For a variety of reasons there is often a gap between what young people want to receive from a care relationship and what can be offered.  The Relationship Boundaries focus group brings together corporate parenting practitioners from across Scotland to share good practice and learn from others.  The aim is to support and develop relationship-based practice on a national level.

As an extension to the focus group, our blog gives attendees the chance to share and reflect on good practice, pose questions and learn from others.

For more information about the Relationship Boundaries focus group and upcoming dates, please see the Staf website or contact Staf on 0141 465 7511.

Care Visions, Why Not?

Piloting: Application of moral contract approach between young people and staff at Care Visions

Aim: Capture and analyse evidence about the impact of this approach. Use this evidence to better understand how this service could be funded in private sector.

Center for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland

Aim: CELCIS are involved in several pieces of work that aim to support and enable relational based practice and will share some insights about their work.

Hot Chocolate Trust

Pilot: Develop an evidence based-game that supports and challenges practitioners to explore their professional, personal, private boundaries (on their own and with colleagues), to understand personal and organisational attitudes and behaviours to perceived risks/benefits when moving between these boundaries.

Aim: To provide evidence and resources that support people discuss what love and relationships mean and look like as part of professional practice.

Kathleen Quinn (independent practitioner)

Kathleen is half way through her Masters which has involved interviewing young people and practitioners about the impact of relational based practice.

Aim: Communicate why she is conducting this research, what the literature suggests equates good relational based practice, how she has gone about conducting this work, what initial themse her evidence is highlighting, young people and practitioners experiences of taking part in this research.

Tremanna residential home

Pilot: Culture change so continued relationships with young people who leave are conceived as normal practice and practitioners are best supported to provide continuing care.

Aim: Capture and analyse evidence about the impact of this approach. Use this evidence to better understand how this type of support benefits young people and staff are supported in this change to working practice.

None of us can make it on our own

A year past Christmas my partner received a Facebook message, asking if she had worked in a residential school way back in the mid 80’s…