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Exploring your social work brand

I’m not sure how many people would agree that personal branding is important for social workers, not just entrepreneurs and Hollywood stars. Kristin Battista-Frazee argues that the same principles that entrepreneurs and celebrities use create an image are equally applicable to changing the way people view social work and create a better understanding of what it’s about (How Do YOU Stand Out? Exploring Your Social Work Brand).

In the coming months, The New Social Worker (a careers magazine associated with Cape Western Reserve University) will feature articles about how to create a social work brand by leveraging your values and training. This chimes to some extent with what Davies and Powell say about communicating research: we should borrow techniques from other disciplines, such as advertising.

It might not be for everyone but it wouldn’t do any harm to follow what Battista-Frazee has to say about how social media and personal branding can enhance your personal profile.