What are the characteristics of an inspection process that leads to improvement?

Iriss is currently collaborating in partnership with the Care Inspectorate to undertake a short inquiry project focusing on improvement. Our inquiry will focus on understanding the key characteristics of inspection processes that lead to improvement. This project has been designed to be short term and agile to help us respond to the experience and ideas of inspectors and providers.

Over the next three months, we will gather data and generate ideas in three ways:

  1. Analysing existing inspection and improvement intelligence.
  2. Internal scoping exercises including a staff survey.
  3. Qualitative in-depth workshops with inspectors and providers.

In February and March, we will host two workshops with providers and inspectors to begin to understand and unpick the complexity of improvement. We will share the learning from these workshops in this blog and in a final written output.

By blending our own expertise in improvement with this engagement, we will learn about the mechanics and the magic of improvement and how to implement it across the sector.

A note from The Care Inspectorate:

โ€œAs part of the Care Inspectorates review of methodology, we have sought to develop approaches to scrutiny which support improvement.

We have a specific duty under section 44 of the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 to further improvement in the quality of social care services, and we do this in a variety of ways through our inspections.

We need to be able to identify what aspects of care need to improve, and show how this can help evidence improved outcomes for people who use care services and their carers.

Partnership working is an imperative priority for the Care Inspectorate, and we are committed to collaboration and joint working. We embrace the opportunity to work in the most efficient and effective way possible, utilising knowledge, skill and expertise within and outwith the Care Inspectorate to bring about delivery of high quality services.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to undertake this piece of work jointly with Iriss and care service staff.

Our vision is that the people across Scotland receive high quality care that meets their need, rights and choices.”

โ€“ Linda Kemp, Project Lead: Methodologies

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