Happy New Year from Fit for the Future!
To start the year on a positive note, tomorrow the Joint Improvement Team, IRISS and Scottish Care will be hosting a WEST LOTHIAN INDEPENDENT SECTOR DEVELOPMENT EVENT. This event will be held:
Time – 1pm for 1.30pm till 4.30pm approx.
Venue -Studio room, Bathgate Regal Community Theatre, 24-34 North Bridge St, Bathgate, West Lothian, EH48 4PS
The event is open to all independent providers of support for older people (residential and community based) in West Lothian.
- To receive an overview and update on “Reshaping Care for Older People” and proposals for “Integration of Adult Health and Social Care”.
- Review and consider the greater focus on outcomes in delivering care, including development of a personal outcomes approach.
- Learn more about the changes to working practice and commissioning that will impact on your services.
- Provide an opportunity to hear more about the joint IRISS and Scottish Care project Fit for the Future.
Session 1
- presentation and discussion on reshaping care for older people , Health and Social Care integration and Joint Strategic Commissioning– led by David Pigott , Associate JIT
Session 2
- An outcomes based approach to design and delivery of services including use of talking points – led by Chris Bruce JIT Strategic Lead on Outcomes
Session 3
- The joint IRISS and Scottish Care project Fit for the Future.