It’s all happening in FALKIRK!
This week Fit for the Future had our first session of Caring Conversations with a group of staff who deliver care at home! This approach has been used before in residential settings – but this is our first try working with care at home staff.
We had really rich discussions where we pushed to think about ‘what it means to be a carer’ and what makes for good interactions.
The course is really about learning from experience and learning from trying – to support the group to create their own ways of working with each other and the people they support to build brilliant relationships!
What struck me from our first session was that I had made the assumption that this group wouldn’t know each other and support each other in the way that residentially based teams would – because they worked solo! But – the members all talked about how they ask each other for support and guidance and value their colleagues!
We can’t wait to hear (and share!) more from our caring conversations…