About PROP2

prop2-logo-updatedPractitioner Research: Outcomes and Partnership (PROP2) – Project Overview  

This project has been developed by IRISS and CRFR, University of Edinburgh and aims to build on learning from the previous Practitioner Research: Older People (PROP) project[1]. The project aims to develop research capacity and knowledge exchange amongst practitioners and to generate evidence about issues relevant to practice.  Working with partners from health and social care, a group of practitioners are being supported to identify a research question, and to plan and implement a research project. The practitioners will develop research awareness and skills and their organisations will increase their research and knowledge exchange capacity especially in relation to use of data.

This project represents a targeted intervention making direct and meaningful connections between research and practice and changing behaviour, attitudes and culture amongst individuals and within organisations.

[1] https://blogs.iriss.org.uk/prop/

Project Aims

Using a practitioner research programme format, PROP2 seeks to add to our understanding of effective research use in practice. In particular, seeking to strengthen the use and usefulness of evidence around the role of personal outcomes in the design and delivery of services.

In order to achieve this, the project aims to:

  • Extend theoretical and practical understandings of the knowledge translation, brokerage and exchange processes that are effective between academics, users, policymakers and practitioners when sharing good practice in the production and use of evidence relating to health and social care;
  • Improve the volume and quality of research created by those involved in delivering health and social care services;
  • Increase awareness of, and improve access to this research;
  • Support greater engagement and collaboration between researchers and practitioners involved in researching and delivering integrated care across health and social care contexts.

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