It’s Time to Walk the Talk – Making Co-Production the Way Scotland Works

Yesterday I attended the 4th National Co-Production Conference in Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall. I was joined by colleagues at IRISS and Hot Chocolate (who are involved in IRISS’s Relationships Matter project).


This event was hosted by the Scottish Co-Production Network:

The Scottish Co-production Networkis free and open to anyone who is interested in co-production in Scotland. As a member of the network, you will be invited to learning events, network meetings and be able to take part in discussions and information sharing on the website. In order to ensure the network is effective in developing practice around co-production in Scotland, members are encouraged to contribute to the network by sharing their learning and experience through the online discussions, attending meetings and sharing useful information and case studies.

If you would like to join the network you can sign up here – it’s free and only requires basic information.

Across Scotland people and communities are continuing to work with local services to achieve positive change through co-production. This event sought to bring it all together, allowing delegates to learn from each other and plan for the future.

It was an energetic and inspiring event with evident passion for change from the people in the room.


Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 11.13.49The day started with a welcome from Catriona Ness (co-chair of the network) who set the scene for the day by discussing the importance of involving people who use services if we are to make positive changes in Scotland!

This was followed by discussion from Fiona Lees (Chief Executive East Ayrshire Council) about positive examples of how co-production approaches are working locally with great outcomes.

There was a buzz in the room and everyone was clearly excited about the possibilities as they went to their first workshop.

Workshop 1 – What Can Scotland Learn From International Approaches to Co-Production: What to do and What to Avoid? – Governance International



The first workshop I attended was facilitated by Tony Bovaird of Governance International.

In this session we were split into 8 groups to explore key questions around co-production and share learning amongst our groups.

Some of the topics we explored, and may be useful for you to consider in your own work,  were:

  • Do we have more power as a group to collaborate and co-produce? Is this due to more confidence when working as a group?
  • Which of the “four Co’s” [co-commission; co-design; co-deliver; and co-assess] are strongest in our areas?
  • Is the focus of co-production right? How can we get the best feedback on citizen priorities?
  • What tools have you used to successfully co-design in your area? How have you found the right people for co-design?

Discussion in our group focused on a need to move from just co-designing to also co-assess and involve people who use services throughout our work as equal partners – not just in one of the four “co” phases.

Facilitated Debate

Following this session we had a facilitated discussion from Gerry Power (Deputy Director, JIT) about the frustrations we all face when working together on co-production projects.

Common themes included: fear; money; time; only working with those who are already ‘converted’ to the idea of co-production; not being able to engage the “unusual suspects”; undervaluing people’s skills and expertise.


Following this session, it was time for lunch were I was pleased to catch up with a number of people who had been involved in IRISS’s Plan P, Hospital to Home and Experience Labs projects. It is encouraging to see they are all continuing to embrace co-production!!


After lunch we were in for a treat with a hilarious session from Gillian Grant from Universal Comedy. It was brilliant, clever and funny! It was a pleasant surprise to be at an event that values this kind of input in their program! It was certainly well received by the delegates!CEzn4LbW0AAjnxJWorkshop 2 – From Patchwork to Supportive Net; Developing a Future pathway for Respite and Short Break Provision in Dundee

For my second workshop I wanted to learn from the work in Dundee by Animate who were discussing their evaluation of Dundee Carers Centre’s decision to provide short breaks/respite for adult carers in Dundee.

This was brilliant discussion about Dundee Careers Centre embracing the voice of their carers in deciding what ‘respite’ meant to them. We heard from one young woman whose ‘respite’ was a pair of waking boots that she can now use whenever the person she cares for is being cared for by someone else. She spoke with passion of the difference this had made for her as she can keep benefiting from them in a way that a standard one day trip wouldn’t have allowed.

We spent the second half of the session discussing all the people involved in co-designing a service of our choice. With my suggestion, the table I was at chose to explore the pathway from hospital to home for an unplanned admission.
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It was really useful to map all the people involved in the pathway and how the pathway would change if one person was removed – i.e. a carer, or district nurse for example. I found this process really thought provoking and useful and would definitely use it again with others.


During the afternoon two of my colleagues at IRISS, Kate Dowling and Judith Midgley also presented a workshop about their project Pilotlight.

Pilotlight set out to lead thinking on designing better supports for people across Scotland. Pilotlight co-designed four pathways to self-directed support focusing on mental health, risk, self-employment and young people in transition. The co-design teams involved people who access support, unpaid carers, local authorities and support providers. Together they tested and refined a model for successful power sharing, produced tools and resources and developed solutions for the implementation of self-directed support.
Judith and Kate have created a digital resource to share their learning, resources and tools. In the workshop they introduced participants to this digital resource, focusing on the co-design methods and tools. They also facilitated some activities to let participants test out some of the tools and critically evaluate their use in practice.

Final Plenary

The day concluded with an overview from Dr Margaret Whoriskey (Director, JIT) and Sir Peter Housden (Permanent Secretary to Scottish Government). They spoke about the discussions and sessions from the day with hope for co-production in Scotland and the Network as a whole.

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Catriona Ness summarised the day with reference to Mother Teresa and the notion that, by all working on our own co-production projects, together we can make a difference in Scotland for the people who use and provide services.

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Mother Teresa

Thanks, Fiona (@fkmunro)

**You can read the Co-Production Network’s Case Study about our Hospital to Home Project on their website**

Social Service Labs at IRISS

Social service labsFirst of all, what is a social service lab? A Lab is a fancy name used to describe a method of innovating and improving services using a day-long experiment. The experiment is conducted in a ‘lab’ that is created to imitate natural surroundings, or even better – the lab is held in natural surroundings. Labs allow people to create highly personalised experiences that transform the users from being observed subjects for testing, into valued creators in the co-creation and exploration of emerging ideas.

Labs can be called different things depending upon the aim and outcome of the method, for instance: Experience Labs, Customer Experience Labs, Information Experience Labs, Insight Labs, Social Labs, Living Labs, Innovation Labs. However, each type of Lab  requires an approach that is  user-centered, creative, flexible and conducted in a way that is powerful and safe enough to offer an opportunity for radical innovation.

“Labs can be applied to diverse application domains such as lifestyle, healthcare, retail and hospitality”.

In the past this has been used to help business leaders to transform the way customers experience their products, services and brands through the use of mobile, social, cloud and advanced analytics technologies and to move away from transactional experience to deliver innovative solutions.  Labs have been used previously by public and private sector service organisations to improve and innovate service provision. For example, they have been used by Philips to test product or technology innovations. They have also been used in NHS Grampian, Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Lab for Living as a means for testing healthcare innovations and by Deep Sight and Glasgow School of Art for testing design innovations.

This project is exploring the application of Labs in the social services sector in Scotland, with particular focus on what a lab might look like, how it might operate and what outcomes it could offer people in this sector.

We asked practitioners to pitch ideas to be tested within a lab environment and after careful deliberation we are now working with Day Care Centers in South Lanarkshire who are moving to an outcomes focused self directed support provision model, and with Positive Prison Positive Futures and Her Majesty’s Perth Prison who are developing mentoring training with prisioners and prison staff.


Testing how day care center staff will work using an outcomes focused approach with individuals when detailing a persons support plan

Outcomes focused convo experience lab

Day care centres in South Lanarkshire are moving from a programme driven service delivery model to outcome-focused arrangements. The current model of support is traditional where services are designed and delivered around physical service resources and groupwork programmes. Through this model, day care staff are used to working as service providers, enabling people to access activities, or developing a programme of activities that people may be interested in. However, a move towards outcomes focussed support means that day care staff will need to change the way in which they work, supporting individuals to create a detailed plan that identifies the most appropriate way to have their needs met and their outcomes realised.

There are numerous changes involved in this new way of working for day care centre staff. Changes at a conceptual level about service provision, staff roles moving from a provider to a facilitator, practically introducing new conversational approaches, having increased responsibility, and utilising existing and new knowledge in different ways. This change may evoke concerns, uncertainty and a feeling of being overwhelmed for day care centre staff, people who use services and carers. For this reason this Lab will create a safe space where staff can test how they will work using an outcomes focused approach with individuals and their carers when designing a personal support plan.


Establishing and testing a Code of Conduct for prisoners and prison officers to work together as colleagues to provide peer mentoring support

Co-design of service experience lab

Positive Prisons Positive Futures (PPPF) aim to reduce offending in Scotland. They seek to do this through a number of processes, one of which is through the introduction of peer mentoring in Scottish prisons. Currently prisoners are provided with ‘listener schemes’ and ‘peer tutor’ support whilst in prison. However, they are provided with little support to help them plan for their release through development in cognitive life-skills such as assertiveness, self-esteem, communication and so on. Furthermore, prisoners are not currently supported to become peer-mentors for other prisoners within this environment.

PPPF are currently working with HM Perth Prison to provide peer-mentoring training that will  enable  prisoners and prison officers to work together as colleagues to provide in-house, mentoring support. IRISS will be working with PPPF and HM Perth Prison to develop an innovative approach in which prisoners and prison officers can co-produce a suitable code of conduct that will inform and guide how they provide peer mentoring. This will clearly establish the boundaries, roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the peer-mentoring . During this process prisoners serving short (<4yrs) and long-term (>4yrs) sentences at HM Perth Prison and prison officers will be invited to participate in two co-design sessions in which they will have opportunity to develop a clear code of conduct for working together in the capacity of peer-mentors. This will be the first time that prisoners and prison officers will be working alongside one another as colleagues with an equal voice.

The Lab will then provide a safe space for these groups to test  this code of conduct in practice through a series of scenarios developed by PPPF and IRISS. Through this process we will also be able to test how prisoners and prison officers can become confident in working together in future. It is planned that, off the back of the Lab process with IRISS,  PPPF will then take this approach and apply it more widely in the context of other Scottish prisons.