Place-based approaches and the NHS

This paper by the Kings Fund links what the Total Place approach has meant for the NHS in England. It has a very service design feel and some lessons from particular areas. This summarises a conference held in 2010 and outlines some or the potential challenges that the NHS will be facing, some of the policy drivers, and also why a place-based approach could be appropriate in the future of health and social care.

Scottish Co-production Network – IRISS chat around co-production

This is a chat that was filmed as part of the 3rd National Co-production Conference in 2014. In the video a group of staff from IRISS are talking around some of their perspectives on what co-production is, and some of the practicalities of this way of working.

Lecture on place-based reform

This lecture was delivered by Professor Frank Oberklaid who is sharing his experiences in Australia as Director for the Centre for Community Child Health at The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. His work is focused on the application of science to policies on children’s health and development, directed towards influencing the way in which communities and public systems can collaborate to produce better child outcomes.

It’s quite a complex presentation but there is a slideshow as well that breaks down some issues connecting communities and services.

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach that is both strengths based and community driven. The positive influence of this approach is that it focuses on a local area from a competencies, capacities and resources point of view. This way of thinking and working moves on from looking at the needs of an area, to looking at the contributions of that area.

JRF work in Bradford

In 2004, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) made a ten-year commitment to work in Bradford, acting in partnership with others in the city. This report talks about some of the learning from that period of work and we have used it to plug in to our thinkin gof how to work effectively in  place-based way. See here for the full details.

Building Healthier & Happier Communities

This is a project that has been going in East Dunbartonshire. In this area SCVO has working with East Dunbartonshire Voluntary action, the local community health partnership, the council and local third sector organisations to tap into the ability of charities to help people lead healthier and happier lives. It has resulted in a whole range of collaborations and projects that you can see more about here.