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Workforce survey 2015 – Workforce experiences

Quality of care. Thinking about your organisation, to what extent do you agree or disagree? Most respondents said that the quality of care in their organisation had stayed the same (50%). Improvements in quality of care were reported more often in the voluntary (37%) and private sector (45%). Statutory sector respondents were less likely to report improvements in the quality of care. Across sectors, 85% 'Always' or 'Often' perceived that their organisation was able to provide person-centred support. In the voluntary sector this rose to 95%.Improved outcomes for people. Thinking about your organisation, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 51% of respondents said that over the past year, capacity to improve outcomes had stayed the same. Respondents reporting an increase in capacity to improve outcomes Statutory sector - 20%, Voluntary sector - 45%, Private sector - 40% Prevention. Thinking about your organisation, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 82% of respondents from the voluntary sector 'Always' or 'Often' agreed that they were able to provide preventative services. 74% of respondents from the private sector 'Always' or 'Often' agreed that they were able to provide preventative services. 55% of respondents from the statutory sector 'Always' or 'Often' agreed that they were able to provide preventative services. 'I have 6 years to retirement and despair over the lack of resources. I've worked in a variety of roles and have seen many changes. I used to make a difference. Now, I firefight.'Innovation and evidence. Thinking about your organisation, to what extent do you agree or disagree? Creativity and innovation is happening across the sectors, but is more frequently reported in the voluntary (49%) and private sectors (42%), rather than the statutory sector (29%). Managers were more likely to cite an increase in creativity and innovation (56%). Care staff reported that things had stayed the same (50%); People reported that they are 'Often' able to be evidence informed (83%) and are able to actively seek good practice (74%) in their organisations.When asked about their current role 87% of all respondents reported that they'd seen a reduction in the availability of social services support for people...with social workers noticing this the most. All who strongly agreed and agreed with the statement: Social workers - 91%, Managers - 86%, Care workers - 86%.Statutory sector organisations feel the most tension between what people want and what they can deliver. To what extent would you agree that there is tension between what people we support want and what my organisation is able to deliver? Statutory sector - 82%, Private sector - 48%, Third sector - 48%.High workloads (49%), funding cuts to services (45%) and bureaucracy and red tape (38%) are the biggest challenges reported to be impacting on the sector. Funding cuts (61%), high workloads (44%) and staff shortages (40%) are the biggest challenges reported to be impacting on the voluntary sector. Staff shortages (54%), funding cuts (44%) and low morale (41%) are the biggest challenges reported to be impacting on the private sector. In the past year, which of these known challenges has had the most impact on your everyday work? Bureaucracy and 'red tape': Statutory sector - 28%, Private sector - 30%, Voluntary sector - 38% High workload: Statutory sector - 44%, Private sector - 31%, Voluntary sector - 49%. Staff Shortages: Statutory sector - 40%, Private sector - 54%, Voluntary sector - 29%. Poor Leadership: Statutory sector - 18%, Private sector - 18%, Voluntary sector - 23%. Low morale in the workplace: Statutory sector - 23%, Private sector - 41%, Voluntary sector - 26%. Funding cuts to services: Statutory sector - 61%, Private sector - 44%, Voluntary sector - 45%. 'These 3 answers are linked: funding cuts have increased workload due to the impact of other services being less available and demands of meeting funding objectives/targets vs. person centred outcomes is a challenge as they do not always marry'.Service redesign. Thinking about your organisation, in the past year, have you seen the following increase, decrease or stay the same? 67% of respondents perceived an increase in service redesign. This increase was reported most frequently by statutory services and group managers. Community connections. Thinking about your organisation, in the past year, have you seen the following increase, decrease or stay the same? The majority of respondents (55%) perceived that their organisation's ability to create community connections has stayed the same.Partnership working. Thinking about your organisation in the past year, have you seen the following increase,decrease or stay the same? An increase in partnership working was reported more frequently by respondents in the statutory sector. Statutory sector - 50%. Social workers and care staff providing direct support report partnership working to have remained the same. Social workers - 59%, Care staff providing direct support - 51%.

Workforce survey 2015 results