Why are you here?

Perth and Kinross, meeting one

January 2018

In the first of our partnership meetings in Perth and Kinross, the group explored how much they knew about the New Health and Social Care Standards, and why they wanted to be part of the partnership going forward.

Partners came from a range of health and care at home services and were able to collectively reflect on how much they already knew. Many participants expressed that this was a unique and valuable opportunity to bring different service providers together in the same room.

The group started with a mapping exercise, to explore how each of their roles and services connected, before being given time to collectively discuss any barriers or concerns they may have in relation to the new care standards and how they aligned with the care they currently deliver.

Learning Summary

The following section highlights key learning taken from their discussions.

Why are you here?

Partners were asked why they wanted to be part of the sessions and the project:

  • Necessity and need of the role
  • To gain insight
  • To learn
  • To hear from others in a similar position
  • To hear from the Care Inspectorate
  • To be prepared
  • To get an introduction to the Standards
  • To be part of shaping the process

Barriers and Concerns

Partners discussed any concerns that they had about implementing the standards into their practice, or any barriers that could arise throughout the process:

  • Whose responsibility is it?
  • Identifying roles
  • Interpretation
  • Time
  • Task
  • Remit
  • Expectations
  • Linking to each layer of care
  • All the workforce understanding the standards

Partners in attendance

  • Ali Jones, Project Manager – Iriss
  • Colin Paton, Quality – PKC
  • Shona, Team Leader – HART + HDT
  • Dina Scott, SDS Coordinator
  • Sam Rankin, Business Improvement. PKC
  • Jane, Service Manager – My Care Tayside
  • Aurelia Lea, Team Leader – PKC
  • Mark Dickson, Clinical Governance. HSCP